
It is with great pleasure to announce that Mr. Shehryar Inayat has taken over the responsibility of Principal and Executive Officer SEZIST with effect from 25th February 2021.

SBTE Circular

With the approval of the Competent Authority, it is notified for all general information that Papers for the dates 30th September 2021, 1st & 2nd October, 2021 of Diploma of Associate Engineer 2nd year (Morning / Evening) Annual Examination, 2021 will be postponed due to heavy rain & Gulab Storm in the province and will be re-scheduled from 09th, 11th &12th October, 2021.

Notification For Interview

Dear Candidates,

Thank you for applying in 3 years DAE Program at SEZIST. You are required to appear for an Interview to be held on 4th September, 2021 (Saturday) as per given scheduled time at SEZIST Campus Block G, Allama Rasheed Turrabi Road, North Nazimabad.

Reschedule of DAE 3rd Year Practical Examination 2021 for Remaining Students

With reference to SBTE circular No: SBTE/EXAM/DAE3rd/2021/372 dated 27th August, 2021 regarding the date for Practical Examination of remaining Student those who were not appeared in Practical Examination at any reason on scheduled date.

Now they allow as a special chance to appear for their Practical Examination on 2nd September, 2021 10:00 am at their respective department.

Extension in the date of Submission of Examination Forms
DAE 2nd Year Annual Examination 2021

With reference to SBTE circular No: SBTE/EXAM/DAE/MOR/EVE/2021/358 dated 13th August, 2021 the date for submission of examination forms for 2nd  year Annual Examination 2021 has been extended till 31st August, 2021.

All the student of SEZIST DAE 2nd year, who have still not submitted their Examination Forms are directed to submit the same along with the Bank Challan  of normal plus late fee as per schedule given below by the 31th August, 2021 at Student Affairs office SEZIST positively.

List of Candidates for Entry Test Dated 25-08-2021

Notification for Entry Test

Dear Candidates,

Thank you for applying in 3 Years DAE Program at SEZIST. You are required to appear for Entry Test to be held on 25th August 2021 (Wednesday) from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at SEZIST Campus Block G, Allama Rasheed Turrabi Road, North Nazimabad.

Notification for Eid-ul-Azha Holidays

With reference to Sindh Government Notification for Eid-ul-Azha holidays, SEZIST will remain closed from 20th July, 2021 to 22nd July, 2021 (Tuesday to Thursday) and shall re-open on 23rd July, 2021.

Submission of Examination Forms
DAE 2nd Year Annual Examination 2021

DAE 2nd Year Annual 2021 Examination Forms Morning & Evening shift are received today from Sindh Board of Technical Education with instruction that the last date for submission of examination forms with normal fee for is Friday 9th July, 2021 as a special case.


All the students of DAE 2nd year Morning & Evening shift are directed to collect their SBTE Examination forms from Student Affair Section of SEZIST and submit the same along with Bank Challan in original of paid examination fee as schedule given below at student affairs office SEZIST.

Circular No. SEZIST / STEVTA / Regn / 16 March 2021

It is a matter of great pleasure and honor for us to announce that under Sindh Private Educational Institution (Regulation & Control) Ordinance 2001 and amended Act-2003, our institute has been registered with STEVTA as



On this occassion we would like to reiterate our pledge to make SEZIST a state-of-the-art seat of learning and development.

Authority: STEVTA Registration Certificate No. STEVTA / HQ / A&T / REG / 01-515 (247) / 2021 / 164 dated 12th March 2021.

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